Kerry completed her acupuncture training in London, UK. She is an overseas member of the British Acupuncture Council, member of AHPRA the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and ANTA the Australian Natural Therapies Association. Kerry has completed years of post-graduate studies in the specialised areas of fertility, pregnancy, pre birth, birth, post partum, and menopause.
Kerry says, “For over ten years I have treated women and couples through their fertility journeys, pregnancy and beyond. Working alongside western medical professionals I have found an integrated approach to health care works best for the patient. I am constantly inspired by my patient’s journey to become parents, especially as they continue on through difficulty with integrity and strength. I love to support this journey with kindness, respect and expert advice”.
Kerry practiced in London with Emma Cannon, acupuncturist and author of ‘The baby making bible’, ‘Total Fertility’ and ‘You and Your Bump and worked with expert Gynaecologists, Fertility specialists and Obstetricians on a referral basis. On returning to Australia in 2010 Kerry joined the team at Fertile Ground Health Group in East Melbourne and developed the successful ‘Melbourne Acupuncture Multi Bed Project’ for fertility, IVF and pregnancy.
She regularly presents on the benefits of acupuncture to medical caregivers in Melbourne’s maternity hospitals. Kerry is also an experienced birth attendant (Doula) with training from renowned obstetrician, Michel Odent. Birth work gives her an avenue to advocate for women’s rights to information and choice in pregnancy and birth.
In 2012 Kerry moved to the Peninsula to be with her partner and stepdaughter and has recently had a baby girl. After six months maternity leave Kerry returns to work joining the team at Mornington Complimentary Medicine.
She is a sought after speaker regularly providing information to medical carers on the benefits of acupuncture during ante-natal, labour and post natal care in Melbourne’s maternity hospitals.
“My job is knowing how to create healthy people to create healthy babies. My joy is when my patients come to understand this too.”