Simon Altman

Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist, Shonishin Paediatric Acupuncture, Estoteric, Five Element and Dr Tan Acupuncture & Men’s Health

Simon Altman B.Hsc (TCM)

Simon has always had a deep interest in natural medicine and a range of energetic healing modalities. He started his journey into Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture) at Victoria University in 1997 and completed his bachelors’ degree with honours in 2001, which included a clinical internship at Shenyang and Dalian hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine concentrating on musculo-skeletal problems, stroke and paediatrics.

Whilst practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine throughout the following years, Simon became a Primary School teacher and has spent ten years teaching and working with primary aged children whilst also running an acupuncture practice on the side. Working with a wide range of students on a daily basis has fostered a gentle and caring repour with children of all ages and also created a thorough understanding when treating children’s issues, how they learn and a wide range of problems relating to children on a daily basis.

Simon has had an interest in spiritual and esoteric philosophies from an early age. He has become a Reiki Master in the Tibetan, Usui and Seichim traditions as well as more recently completing both Five Element Constitutional Acupuncture and Esoteric Acupuncture certificates. Simon completed all three levels of advanced Esoteric Acupuncture with Mikio Sankey. Esoteric Acupuncture integrates traditional acupuncture points with ancient wisdom and sacred geometry to align and balance chakras to improve your overall health, emotional wellbeing and life purpose. Five-Element Constitutional Acupuncture involves treating a patient constitutionally based on the five Chinese elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) to create harmony in your body, mind, spirit and emotions. It explores the concept that the cause of physical, mental and spiritual distress resides within and harmonises the five elements to create balance within the body.

Acupuncture has always been extremely successful in treating general aches and pains. Simon uses Dr. Tan’s Balance method of acupuncture with musculo-skeletal problems to successfully relieve pain around the body. This amazing method uses distal points away from the problem to influence the area of your body experiencing pain and can rapidly free up or reduce painful areas whilst promoting healing within the body.

Simon is a nationally registered Acupuncturist with AHPRA and a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.

Simon is available every Monday from 2pm-8pm.